Friday, October 2, 2009

September 29th 2009

Q: How is Brooklyn different from Flushing?
A: There's lots of tall apartments and businesses in flushing, then beat up old houses that serve as ... quadplexes? what do you call a single building that has 4 different adresses? Where's I'm in brooklyn there aren't any houses, just lots of matching buildings, that are only 4 stories tall... but they seriously all look the same. and 8th avenue is covered in chinese signs. Let me just add in a quick note about chinese - Chinese is all written the same, but pronounced differently. Mandarin, Cantonese, Fujianese, Beijingese etc. All look the same, but are pronounced differently. It's just a matter of switching sounds and tones. So it's kind of like having extremely different dialects of the same language. And sometimes the grammer's a little different. Anyways, back to the letter.
Q: Tell us about your companion and other missionaries in your apartment.
A: My companion is Elder Lam (mandarin=Lin), in some ways he's a lot like me, pretty passive and intraverted, but he's a good guy. Y'know those miyazaki movies zac, caroline, and I like, he likes em to. He likes to play soccer, video games, read comics, etc. Elder Baker is from california. Umm... he likes weird indi music, the kind of stuff I would listen to. Elder Lee is an ABC (American Born Chinese), who was in the spanish program, but then the president asked him if he could speak chinese, elder lee said 'a little', so president put him in the chinese program. Elder Lee is loud, and funny. He said last week that me and elder lam combined are louder than him... yeah Umm... We don't have much investigators right now and are spending a lot of time finding... 90% of our time. but it's ok, we've got a baptismal commit :) Other than that not too much is going on. I tried bleaching my shirts and nothing happened. I don't really have time to send a package... I can see about next monday though. Ummm... I guess that's it, bye! Elder Eddy

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