Friday, October 2, 2009

Email Home July 13th 2009

你们好! So, this week's been pretty good. The humidity hasn't been too bad, one of our investigators (Forest Xu) actually invited a friend to come to our ward barbecue, and she helped us explain the Book of Mormon :) So, that was pretty cool.David's been on vacation so it's probably been a week since we've contacted him, but we have to still have faith.We've got another investigator Joe Zhou, he's actually been going to church on and off for years and really likes it... I think his main concern is that he was baptized in another church in Alabama, and is friends with the preacher - so he doesn't wanna offend him :( So we decided to slow things down and challenge him to read the book of Mormon everyday... he didn't do to well so we've recommit ed him and asked if we could check up on him every couple days.Then there's Chen Xiao Yan, she's a member, a pretty strong one, but her husband's not. he's "Buddhist", but that like saying you're christian/catholic. aka your family's been it forever so you are. But most of the time it really doesn't mean anything. So we're just trying to work slowly with him, he seems like an awesome guy though. And their daughter, she's about 2, is so cute. Chen jiemei is having a son pretty soon to, and had us help her pick and English name. (I think the ward members like to turn to the missionaries for name suggestions.)We have a few other investigators... but most of them are just really busy :( But English class tends to bring in more :)Elder Chang's an awesome companion; he's always able to stay optimistic and look over small things that don't matter/aren't really worth getting frustrated about. and he's just a fun person to be around.Korean pancakes are awesome, I'd highly recommend them.Oh, something else I've come to realize about myself, is just how concerned about appearance I was before I came. I never thought I was, but I've realized so much now. I think I used to think somebody probably wouldn't make a good church member if, I dunno, they're smoking/they've got some piercing/their clothes are revealing - or whatever. But I think I've again realized that that isn't important. True doctrine understood; changes behavior faster that the study of behavior. So I guess what I mean is don't be too quick to judge people..- 狄zhanglao

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