Friday, October 2, 2009

August 10th and 17th 2009

Well, this week was pretty good. We (me and elder gabrielsen) got 5 new investigators, we had 9 investigators at church, 6 of them were first timers, 3, the Huang family, have been coming since may or something, they'll be baptized this week. And even though both elder chang and I haven't seen him for a few weeks, and none of the other missionaries have got a hold of him, David Tsang came to church, and brought a friend, and says he'll be coming more :)Yesturday, while tracting, we found a lady, Nancy, who has been to the cumorah pageant with her mormon friends, and loves it, her sister was mormon (died about 20 years ago), wants to visit temple square, and was praying before we came for a sign. She speaks english/spanish, so, she won't be our investigator, but, I think we really were guided to her.We also found on that same street a less active member. and got 4 other people's phone numbers. 2 seemed actually pretty interested in going to church... mainly because their girlfriends were christian and they wanted something more in common, but, that's still something.On ... thursday, we had about a 1/2 an hour before english class started, which I would before had used to prepare for class better, and elder gabrielsen's super dilligent and wanted to go street contacting until we had 15 minutes before, so we went out and talked to this girl, when we said "你好" (nihao), she was so suprised and let our a huge gasp, and said in english "you speak chinese!". we talked to her, Ping Jiang (ok, from now on, when i give you thier names, if they're chinese, it'll be their sirname first, it just makes more sense) - Jiang Ping, for a couple minutes, she had just come from china, and was christian there, and had been going to a spanish church here, so we invited her to learn more and come to ours, she was so excited, she came to english class that night and elder gabrielsen and yau taught her while elder law and i were editing a movie for a fireside we are putting on for the ward. But I guess the lesson went really well, and they're really solid. they came to church and we'll teach them again tonight.There's also Xu Lynn and her friends Peggy, Poppy, and Mira (Chinese people always give themselves interesting, or really common english names). We teach them all together. they're very interesting... Mira especially. she has asked us if Jesus had to poo/pee, and if he was an alien. So, lessons are always interesting with them. haha. Lynn's really interested and I feel she's doing this because she really wants to figure this out for herself.OK, I'll try and send some pictures now, so this is the end of this letter. have a great day :)

August 17th-
Well, another week's gone by. We've taught lots of lessons, and we'll probably have Ping, Lynn, Peggy, Poppy, and Yuki baptized within the next month or two. They're all really solid investigators.I guess there's not much to report on here. But I'd love to hear from you. Oh, let me know more about that disaster in taiwan, we don't read the paper here. Well, I don't have anything to reply to and I'm trying to figure out what kind of family history redources, if any, the church has in chinese.

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