Wednesday, October 14, 2009

EmailS Home October 12th 2009

I really enjoy Brooklyn. It's got a different vibe about it. And I really feel the Lord is watching over this part of the vineyard. The Branch president is really dedicated to his calling - he's so awesome. and the branch, though pretty much all first generation members, functions pretty well. Kind of a rare thing for new york.
The mission president is gonna work with stake leaders in getting missionaries more involved in the wards. and training leaders here. Because except for the west-coast Mormons who are here for school, there's not too many people who... know how the church works.
But our little branch is great :)
Mercury and Raymond are progressing well and hopefully we can set baptismal dates this week.
I love you all!
- Elder Eddy

What is up with us? Why do we like Halloween so much? And why are we amused by the macabre? It doesn't make any sense! I'm a little sad that I'll miss two Halloweens, but what I'm doing right now is a lot more important than dressing up and going to haunted houses.
That's good that James loves dogs, it always made me sad that Zac was scared of them growing up - Of course he had a good reason to be, but it still made me sad because dogs are usually so happy and playful :)
I don't know how things are going with Danny. He's only available on Sunday so he just comes to church and then Elder Lam talks to him in Cantonese, and I either talked with Mercury or Raymond, our mandarin investigators.
Raymond is really cool, he really enjoys learning about the gospel and reading the book of Mormon. and he stayed for all 3 hours of church, and was gonna stay for the baptism afterward but had to head to flushing to go to some religious freedom in china rally or something.
Oh, another thing about Yun Yun (Mercury), she's already investigated before! She investigated with her brother, who was baptized, but is now inactive, and this time it was three friends who were just baptized who invited her to investigate. So we've basically just gotta review and help her build a testimony again.
So, I guess that's all for this week, thanks for the letters, love ya!
- Elder Eddy

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