Friday, October 2, 2009

June 1st 2009 Email Home

So today I started printing some pictures for you guys. Mainly because I took a pretty sweet one outside the temple. Trust me, It's awesome. Well, today has been a good P-Day so far, we're back from the temple, and a bought some stuff to make Ruan Jiemei a Tissue Box. It's her birthday on wednesday, but we're celebrating it today. The New Missionaries are here and that's fun. Our Branch only had 20ish people in it, now we're back up to 40/50ish. We've got a lot of international missionaries in the new districts, but barely any sisters. I think we've got 5 sisters and 20 elders. One of the new districts doesn't even have sisters.Last night's devotional was awesome, we got to here from... Brother Swenson. Yeah, probably somebody nobody knows about, but he basically makes missionary work work. His talk was awesome, it was on S.I.N. - Souls In Need. and again we got to here about stupid things missionaries have done to mess things up. But overall a great talk. Then we got to watch Yuese Simi: Fuxin de Xianzhi. Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration (No, it wasn't in chinese, sometimes chinese is just easier to say). That is one of the best movies the church has come out with, I love it. I've watched it twice at the MTC. Maybe when I come home we came go to NYC & some church history sights/sites?Oh, nobody in the new districts is going to NYNYS, there's one going to NYNYN, but I'm still the only one I know of :(One problem we've run into though, is it's hard to teach to people's needs using chinese. Yeah, we know the gospel terms, but we don't have the vocab to personalize it yet. It's rough. I know what I want to tell them, but I don't know how in chinese. Like when we've have Buddhist investigators, one of the first things we'll ask is how it's helped them, or why they believe, and it's almost always because of tradition/family, so we ask them about family, and family is really big for chinese people, but I don't have the vocab after that :(So that's one thing I'll be working on this week.Hmm... Well. Dunno What else I have to say. Oh, the gym opened up again, so we've taken our 4-square inside. But we've got to many people playing these days.What else has happened this week?Well, I got into the war chapters... and honestly I was kind of bitter that Alma died/was translated.../No longer in the book, because I loved his teaching. But right when I got into the war chapters in the Book of Mormon, I got into Joseph, in the Bible. and I realized, his life was really prophetic of that of his descendants. Joseph was persecuted by his Brethren. Lehi was Persecuted by the Jews. God through thier persecution lead Joseph to Egypt. God lead Lehi to the Americas. Joseph prepared food for a great famine that was gonna come. The Nephites wrote the book of Mormon. Jacobs family was starving in the famine. The World entered into apostacy. Jacobs family found food from Joseph in Egypt. The world found the book of mormon from Joseph in America.There ya go.
Yeah I think I'm out of things to Say... Wo AI Nimen.

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