Friday, October 2, 2009

Email Home July 6th 2009

About oriental people and the church: the new ambassador to china is mormon, and I have a feeling Zac may go mandarin speaking. In the MTC, 2 of the teachers were brothers and went to taiwan, and we had 2 sets of brothers in the mtc learning mandarin, Elder Babcock's older brothers didn't go mandarin - but, he has 2 adopted brothers who can speak it. I really think we're working our way towards china/asia :) And it seems like we're working with siblings. Maybe we'll all be called to china as bishops and they'll want us to have family with us there too?I have no idea, but that'd be awesome.Dad said yes to a new dog? awesome :) send me pictures please? I can put them onto my camera :)The 4th of July is a little different here, we watched some manhattan fireworks from our roof they looked awesome, but I still think I prefer Rigby lake. One of the members, Jenny, invited the chinese missionaries over for dinner that day, it was good, nothing too crazy yet. But I did have to pull the head/shell/legs off my shrimp. Oh, one thing that's a little weird is that chinese people leave the bones in the food, and you just chew around them and leave them on the table, and the corn.... core - whatever that's called.We got our new mission president on wednesday, so I never really had time to get used to our old one, he's essentially my 1st/only. President Eyering told them some interesting things though; he said that "every member a missionary"... is kind of failing - but not in our mission. So I guess it was encouragement for us... and chastisement for everyone else. I hope we don't get too comfortable though.The ward's a little different here. It doesn't seem as structured/what I was familiar with, and I think I was letting that frustrate me, but I realized that they were doing what they were supposed to do, and they have testimonies. Being a stereotypical mormon/utahn is not a baptismal reqirement.Another thing I realized is that I live in Hey Arnold. remember that show? That's where I live. I really wanna watch it now, maybe the family should, because that's my life. Arnold lived in New York and tried to help people overcome fears/problems, pretty much what missionaries do. So if you wanna see what I do, watch Hey Arnold :) (My companion also thinks this way... in a lot of ways like me)Well, I need to take some time to upload pictures, so I'll end my letter. - Wo ai nimen!- Di Zhanglao

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