Friday, October 2, 2009

August 31st 2009

A Typical Breakfast
Q: how is the language coming.
A: slower now than at the MTC. I've only got a 1/2 an hour to study each day. My gospel vocab is pretty decent. It's small talk that I suffer in. But, my comprehension has improved a lot. I've learned regular idiosynchrasies of chinese, like adding "isha" to the end of a verb, which means absolutley nothing. And learning to understand accents, people here are from all sorts of different places in china and all have different accent, it's especially hard to understand some people from hong kong; they grow up speaking cantonese and so all thier mandarin is pronounced wrong.It's really just learning everyday chinese that I need to focus on now. And just opening my mouth and practising.
Q: What do you do on your Pdays.
A: well, pday doesn't start until 10 o clock, before that we still have to do our regular studying. today we mopped our bedroom and the kitchen. we decided we HAVE to do it on a weekly basis. right now we're emailing, after this we'll go grocery shopping. and I think we'll have a game afternoon and play clue or something with everyone in our pad. some pdays we play basketball, some we sit around and do nothing. Iv'e been to the Queens Zoo and the flushing meadows corna park science museum... I polish my shoes. Oh, as a side note I make my bed everyday here. Ummm.. I guess we just do whatever.
Q: Why do you only send one [picture] with each letter....can you send more?
A: myldsmail only lets me send a couple megabites in each email, and the library computers are slow. Maybe you could send me another mini SD card and I could mail you that one? Yeah I still get the dear elder stuff. Well, Yang Yang has a baptismal date now. oh, her and her sister are a day younger than me, they found this pretty amazing. We've got 13 progressing investigators now so things are going good. My english lessons are pretty fun... But sometimes I have no idea what to teach. Maybe you could help me. My lesson is much more a westerization/americanization class that english, like one lesson we taught the english names of the planets. Maybe if you could send me oh, my visual chinese/english dictionary, that would help so much in my english class :) The weather's getting a little cooler, which is nice.Mady said you're cleaning dollar tree? what else ot happening with the business? ok, I've gotta go, love ya, thanks for the letters/email, bye! -ELder Eddy

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