Friday, October 2, 2009

Email Home June 29 2009

Sorry I didn't get to email you last P-Day, I was flying for a few hours, then at the mission home, so, no email.The Flight all went fine, the mission home and food there was GREAT. The next day we had a transfer meeting... I was so anxcious the entire time; I really just wanted to meet my new companion and get going :)So, after sitting through the enjoyable, but long new missionary meeting, we had our transfer meeting. Finally. My companion's Elder Chang (Zhang), he was born in Taiwan, but grew up in texas. So even though he looks native, he's american, and he couldn't speak mandarin before he came. Everboy at the transfer meeting was so excited to meet everyone and see all the people they already knew. So, it was a little weird for me, i don't like being the center of attention, but still fun. It kind of reminded me of the Sorting Ceremony in Harry Potter... Except a lot more predictable for everyone that isn't English or Spanish.After that we took the subway to Flushing and I got to see the Apartment (which willl be reffered to as 'pad' from now on), it like most everything around here, is dirty. Oh, I'll tell you a little about the city. The best way to describe it is dirty disneyland. It's all a sort of adventure... But it smells, and people honk all the time, but it's still really fun :) Speaking of the smells, they seem to change a lot, but you'll run into pee, cigarettes, BO, beer, good food, and all sorts of other smells.On tuesday we met David and have already taught him twice, and will teach him again tonight. He's 14 and is really sincere about finding truth, he even stayed for all 3 hours of church, so I've got hope for him.Oh, church is interesting. our ward is english/chinese, so some people have to translate all of sacrament meeting, it's tough and apparently has a negative effect on retention :(Oh, the church building is awesome! it's a converted Christian Science building, it's got an old fashioned chapel with a giant organ, and 2nd floor overflow, so, Ilike it a lot :)I've already eaten some squid. There's 8 people in our apartment and only 2 are white, otherwise chinese or koean... I don't have time left, so I gotta go :) Wo ai nimen! -Di Zhanglao

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