Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Email Home October 19th 2009

Well, works going good. Raymond invited some friends of his to church on sunday, and that's always good. You know at that point they don't think we're crazy :)
Yeah I'm getting other peoples letters, but I haven't got any from the wheelers yet. The address is:
85-69 60th drive
elmhurst, ny 11373

I even got a reply from my mtc companion in taiwan, so letters are getting to me.
Well, the greenwood cemetary was pretty cool, and I think we're going to some cool places today, so I should have some pictures for you next week :)
Yes I do get more dinner appointments here... but honestly chinese food is gross. It's very boring or really gross. It's stuff you eat to survive or because you're sick - not to enjoy eating.

I don't think we realize as regular members just how important members are in missionary work. In places with lots of mormons the missionaries CAN'T tract or find people on the street, that would be a waste. All investigators have to come from members in utah/idaho. In New York, sure you can find people on the street, but once they're baptized they're supposed to be in the members hands... not the case here though. Because the church is so weak here president wants us to continue to meet with recent converst once a week for 6 months.

I've also realized some important things lately.
3rd Nephi 12: 48 Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect.What is our ultimate goal? to become like God. but is that what we're working towards? Or have we reached plateaus of complacency? We need to be continually throughout our lives to try and become more like God and the Savior. In Preach My Gospel at the end of the christlike attributes chapter they've got this: http://broadcast.lds.org/Missionary/PreachMyGospel___13_06_ChristlikeAttributes__36617_eng_013.pdf
and it's really helped me to see measurable ways I can improve. also the missionary handbook sections on companions, I think has great advice on how we can improve relationships with anyone.

I love you all, have a good week, byebye!
- 狄长老

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