Friday, October 2, 2009

Email Home July 27th 2009

We don't have dinner appointments very often... I've had one. but people have brought food to the church for some things like... the night before jenny went to hong kong. or other things like that. Usually it's asian food and american. The weirdest thing about asian meat is not what it's from, but what you eat. like, I know when it's chicken or pork or whatever, but you're expected to eat everything that isn't bone - tendons, fat, etc. so, that's a new experience. I like the octopus and squid just fine, the sushi's ok,rice, noodles, and dumplings are good. I loved the rolls stuffed with... i really don't know, but they're good.Elder Cui, are new companion, asks me a lot about what typical american food is like, he's from china, and says he and everybody else there thinks americans only eat what you can get at McDonalds, KFC, and Pizza Hut. So, I'd like to show him some better american food, do you mind sending me some recipes? I guess they've gotta be pretty cheap, but i'm pretty thrifty and usually don't spend too much of my weekly budget ($40), I usually spend about $10 on fruit, and another $10 on other groceries - except for last week, I spent a bit more. But, yes, If reeses puffs are on sale I'd LOVE some. cereal is so expensive. I've only ever bought the Mal-O-Meal kind, but today we'll be going to a mall because elder chang has to find some new pants, and there's a Target over there, so I can find some more reasonable prices :)Our investigators... Are always busy, and it's hard to find new ones. And it's hard to keep track of ward members, lots of people come here to work for a bit, then go back home to china or something. And apparently lots of them are illegal, so we're gonna ask President Nelson about baptizing illegals. I mean, we do have to commit people to obey the Law of the Land before they're baptized, so...I think we're just struggling with our investigators schedules. We may meet with them and have an awesome lesson, but then they can't see us for two weeks.I don't know if you've ever read preach my gospel, but I would recommend you do it as a family. I don't know if members realize how vital they are in missionary work, if nothing else read read... chapter 13 of preach my gospel (working with stake/ward/members), I feel like I could have helped the missionaries so much more now :(And we don't have ward council, or home teaching,....I guess what i'm trying to do is find out what my responsibilities are and do my best.Well, i gotta go, love, bye!

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