Thursday, April 14, 2011

Email Home March 21st 2011

An other's week's gone by. We had transfers and for my last transfer I'll be staying with Elder Hanson. Elder Long and Elder Kwok came from Brooklyn after nearly a year of service there for the two of them. It was the first time for either of them to leave an area or teaching pool. But the two of them are exited to be here and working hard.
Jing's doing great and set to be baptized on General Conference Sunday.
I had a dream last night that us missionaries were in a hospital trying to rescue Elder Greiner who went home last week because he got cancer. The hospital we were in was full of lasers and ninja security guards. After we got out we ran to a house that was under construction and I fell asleep on a mattress there. I peed the bed in it and was really embarrassed because everyone saw. Then I woke up and thought I had really wet the bed but turns out I hadn't... A few nights ago I was being chased by wolves in my dream and found out they could speak Fuchowese (, so, in my broken fuchow I told them to eat someone else and they left me alone I got away.
Sang Yanf Yang got the aaronic priesthood yesterday. Kevin Lin, Jason An, and Bob Tut are starting melch. priesthood prep classes. woo!
My time is short but I'll let you know I love you and see ya in a few weeks!

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