Thursday, April 14, 2011

Email Home February 14th 2011

Yesturday 桑洋洋 Sang Yang Yang was baptized! He's a pretty cool guy. Oh, and we found some new investigators; Sun Er Bo (Rob), Andy, and Leo. They've all came to the US pretty recently and we set baptizmal dates for Rob and Andy for next month. Also, another investigator, Jing, who's been investigating for a few months now, finally set a date last night. She's changed a whole lot. She's gone from curious, to condemning, and now to converting. It's been a crazy ride teaching her but she's one of the most honest investigators and really thinks about thinks a WHOLE lot before she does them. I forgot to bring my camera today - It's been a while since I've sent pictures! I'll try to get on that next week :)
Let's see. President Nelson said I could go have lunch with Uncle Steve. Could I get his phone number? I'm thinking I'll have lunch with him then maybe have him help me pick out a suit.
I still am more and more amazed about how you and Dad do the whole parent thing. It can sometimes be so hard to confront district members/investigators about things they're doing wrong in a Christlike way and to help them grow. But I am learning. Thank you for your examples. Sometimes I get stressed about things and I have to remember to control my stress so the Spirit can guide me in getting through the situation.
Thanks for everything. Love ya!
Elder Benjamin James Eddy
    • 狄俊明长老
(To Elizabeth)
Hey sis, I don't know how you do it! I think I would be scared to death to have another person inside of me... I find it scary enough to have somewhat of a responsibility in heling people learn the gospel... 你很厉害!(ni hen lihai) What I just said doesn't make much sense in English... You're very formidable... But it's used A LOT in chinese to just let somebody know that what you're doing is awesome.
My birthday went by pretty well. It was the same week as 春节 (chun jie)Chinese New Year so there was a lot of celebrating and dinner appointments. On me birthday we had a combined party with Yang Yang and Qing Qing (my first converts) because their birthday was the day after. It was fun. I got a rabbit clock. Being 21 doesn't make me feel any different, just that I need to get to school soon before I start getting older...
Well, love ya much! Can't wait to see ya!
Elder Benjamin James Eddy
    • 狄俊明长老

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