Thursday, April 14, 2011

Email Home January 31st 2011

'Steve' Wang Shao Yu, has a baptismal date of February 27th. He's so willing to do everything we invite him to do. He thinks he should be baptized right away. Our other investigator, his friend, Sang Yang Yang, will be baptized on the 13th, and if everything goes smoothly he should get the aaronic priesthood in the 3rd hour of church and baptize Steve right after church.
We were sitting with Sang Yang Yang planning his baptism and asked him "who would you like to baptize you?" he said me. Then Elder Hanson asked "Can I perform a musical number" "sure". Then I asked him "Who would you like to give a talk" he said "Elder Hanson" I said "he's already singing. So Sang Yang Yang looks at Kevin (Lin Zeng Guang) and says "How about you?" Kevin gets super nervous about being the center of attention and he looks at me and says "You did that on purpose!" haha. I did. Kevin's great.
Transfers are this week and everything in the Chinese program is staying the same. Usually I have to go to the mission office to plan transfers in an hour long meeting but this transfer was a ten minute conference call. It's great to see how everybody is maturing. There's no way we could have made a decision that quick a few months ago.
I've been thinking a lot about BYU Idaho and I tihnk I wanna try to start going next January. I've been looking around at the majors they offer and I'm thinking of a International Studies major with an emphasis in Political Science or Business and a minor in Chinese. What do you think? Chace also wants to go to BYUI next year so maybe we'll be roommates...? He asked if he could live at our house, I said no, it's a half an hour away. he said 'but my school in Manhattan is a half an hour away too' ... 'I had to explain to him that a half an hour by subway is a lot different than a half an hour by rural highways, especially in the winter... I don't know if he's ever been anywhere but a big city.
I've tried to fax those papers but they didn't go through. I'll try again today.
I'm not sure about birthday stuff. I wouldn't mind getting a new suit so I can wear it when I go home. There's a place in Astoria that is selling $50 suits. Some other missionaries got some there and they're pretty nice. Other things... I don't know. I thought I had thought of some stuff by I guess I forgot :(
Well, that's what's going on in my life. I'm scared to death to go home but also extremely excited to try out real life.
Love ya!
  • Elder Benjamin James Eddy
    • 狄俊明长老

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