Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Email Home April 18th --8 more days!

It's hard to focus when I'm being taken out or going to a members home for 2 or 3 meals a day! But we're still working. We'll be meeting with a new investigator tonight :) We only know her as Mary. She's from English class.
So, I went to the temple to do baptisms for the dead... turns out my recommend was expired. So I sat on a bench by the entrance by the guy who checks your recommend while everyone else went in. It made me think, I've got to remember to keep everything in check because I don't wanna be waiting outside the Celestial Kingdom when everyone else is headed in.
On Sunday I decided I didn't feel like wearing my glasses... Then when I got into sacrament meeting I realized there were too many faces and I couldn't distinguish who was who. And then the Bishop came down during the congregational hymn and asked me to give a farewell talk at the end of sacrament meeting. I talked about how just like I need my glasses to get through everyday, we all need the Lord every day. We can't go one day thinking we'll be fine without him.
Well, LOve ya! see ya soon!
  • Elder Benjamin James Eddy
    • 狄俊明长老

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