Thursday, April 14, 2011

Email Home January 10th 2011

Sorry about last week. We had somebody call us because they wanted to give us some dumplings and they were already running late for an appointment (she's looking to start her own a doctors clinic in flushing) so it would have been rude of us to not come, we had scheduled it with her and I had forgotten! But I did get a chance to read your email and don't worry too much about telling stuff like that. I find it extremely easy to look at things in an eternal perspective when it comes to people back home. It's the people here in New York that I sometimes worry about too much. A sense of urgency in the work is, of course, vital. But, I'll admit, we missionaries sometimes stress too much when we can't completely change our ward's/recent converts'/investigators' lives in a two year period. I need to learn to keep in mind that if I want to, which I do, I can be a part of these people's life for more than these two years and that there are others besides me to watch out for them. That's what's so great about the church - we're all here for each other. That's what's so great about family. You can never go too far without having SOMEBODY who loves you.
Yes I've still got my white feather mine feather, I'm not sure where the story is but the feather stays on my dresser on top of Totoro's head. And yes, I'd love to figure out the driver's license stuff.... Gotta get that done quick!
Sang Yang Yang is trying hard to quit smoking so pray for him. He's a great guy but he thinks he angers too easily and is really prone to making the same mistakes over and over. We taught him yesterday after church and it went pretty well. He has a baptismal date for February 6th.
Elder Hanson is really great. He's a perfect companion for me. He works hard, he's obedient and he's got a similar sense of humor - this transfer's going by way too fast.
Thank you for all the love and support. As far as going to college right after I get home ... well, we'll have to see. I wanna put a lot of this off until May... I think I'll be in shock for some time and if you know any chinese people/speakers back home I would appreciate you introducing them. Can you even buy real chinese food in Idaho Falls? Are you gonna find it weird that when I go to get a drink of water I have to think 'do I wanna drink hot or cold water?' ... It's gonna be weird. But it's gotta happen sometime.
Love you all so much!
Elder Benjamin James Eddy
    • 狄俊明长老

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