Thursday, April 14, 2011

Email Home April 11th 2011

Well, going home doesn't seem like a big looming scary thing to me anymore. In fact, it feels that that's just what I'm supposed to do. I guess the way my mind was thinking was that on my mission I can give full attention to serving the Lord but afterwards I have to switch my focus to other things. But as I've been praying and studying I've realized that I have serve the Lord just as well off my mission as I can on. The Lord wants me to get and education, to prepare to get married, to get a job. All of those are still ways of fulfilling his commandments. My focus is still gonna be finding what God wants me to do and doing it.
The greatest thing I think I've learned is that being obedient and working hard is not for myself. It's to help me become the person God wnats me to be so I can help others. That knowledge is going to be a springboard for everything I do. All the skills and tools I gain in school and the success I have in work are all to acheive that. I'm staying focused and helping the other missionaries too.
I don't know when I need to go to DC. I tihnk I'll wait until I'm home to figure that out. But maybe the end of may. There's still lots of details about teh work I don't have yet and asked Cui Xiao Feng about it last week but he hasn't had a chance to email me back yet. I got the suit.
I attached some pictures from Jing's baptism, and Chen Yi Di's from the weeks before. Chen Yi Di wasn't in our teaching pool but he wanted to take some pictures. He's also from Chang Le (lots of people I really like are from there)... It's too bad it's really far from Xi'an. Hope I can go there someday :)
Let Grandma and Grandpa know I love them and pray for them!
Love you all!
Elder Benjamin James Eddy
    • 狄俊明长老

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