Monday, December 13, 2010

Email Home December 13th 2010

12 days until Christmas!

No, I don't think I need anything else in my package. I'll try and call around 2 New York time. I think all of the family's christmas morning rituals will be done by then.

We invited Jiang Ping to be baptised. She'll be going to china and won't be back til february and the baptism will have to wait til then. I think Jake will be coming in next week. That'll be cool to see him. That's absolutely insane that Will is turning 14...

Well, I'm sending my resume to Cui Xiao Feng (formerly ELder Cui) in Xi'an. He's gonna help me apply for work in english schools there. If I get accepted I don't wanna go until at least June... But I think I only plan on staying 6 months to one year. We'll see.

I hope you're having a great holiday season. The greatest thing that I have seen is a boost of unity between the missionaries and the ward. I'm just so happy with our busy, busy bishop who is making the best of what he can with the little bit of time he has for his calling. His mom had a stroke so please pray for her and him (Bishop Wu). The missionaries have also initiated tri-chinese ward temple trips for 2011. That's awesome.

Love you all!

Elder Eddy

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