Monday, December 6, 2010

Email Home November 18 2010

OK, well I went to the doctor and... My cholesterol's a little low. The doctor says I should eat more and exercise but everything else is fine. I gave a copy of the test to sister Baum to email/fax to you.

(Ben's brother Zac got his mission call to serve in the Riverside California Spanish Speaking mission, he reports on his 19th birthday January 5th 2011)
Haha! Maybe Zac will get to serve in the Corona Stake. He's gonna have lots of people willing to feed him :) Does his mission president know he lived there for 13 years? He's gonna be having to ask the president for lots of family/friend meal permissions.
I could probably ask president bout eating with uncle steve again. We'll see what he says.
If Zac's able to I would say get the same shoes! I have seen SOOOO many missionaries (including ones who've been in driving areas) who's shoes' soles have worn down horribly! I've been in walking areas the whole time and my shoes have hardly worn at all. No, they may not be the prettiest but they'll hold up!
I was on exchanges with the zone leaders and we were looking up less active members and we found a brother Chen. I recognized him once I saw him, he comes to church maybe once a month. He's a really great brother and Even served as a branch president in Taiwan. I just wonder what's keeping him now. We invited him to keep coming.
I've realized my time is getting smaller and I keep desiring to make it better and better.
Elder Cui (who just went home) knows a Canadian member in Xi'an China who has an English school. He's going to recommend me for teaching and help me look for other jobs there. So I could be in China sometime next year. We'll see how that goes. President gave me permission to email him because writing letters to china is a pain and I'm one of the few friends this elder has.

I love you all,

Elder Benjamin James Eddy


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