Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Email Home November 22 2010

My socks, like my shoes, though bulky and unattractive, have held up better than any other missionaries socks I've seen. I haven't had a single hole and I'm pretty sure I haven't lost any... though they might be a little too warm for California.
I don't know how much the health test cost. They're gonna see if missionary medical will cover it. If it won't they're sending the bill to you.
As far as Christmas goes... Music is always nice. I'd love to have a live Christmas tree but that might be a little inconvenient. I honestly don't need much. I'd love to get slacks and white shirts for recent converts but that may get a little pricey. After my mission I'd love to learn how to paint landscapes Chinese style like Ma Yuan, but I would rather use my time on the mission for learning the language. So don't get my a Chinese painting book/set... yet. I was thinking of what I'd like for Christmas... One thing I'd love is for the family, you guys, to start having monthly service projects together, or maybe give up something that there's a monthly bill for and give that money to the church humanitarian aide, perpetual education, or mission fund. Do your home and visiting teaching. Fellowship new members and less actives. Pray for China to open. Pray that my recent converts, no matter what temporal situations they may be in, can feel Heavenly Father's love for them. Pray for the gift of charity. 'Have faith, have hope, live like his son, help others on their way.' Become like *'the house of Stephanas... they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints.'

These are some things I wouldn't mind getting.

*1 Cor 16:15

We went to the temple on Saturday. we had some issues that delayed us a little... A slightly mentally... slow brother who wasn't endowed did about fifty confirmations that all had to be redone. And we definitely have some members who could improve their baptizing form. But they've got the right spirit and they're willing to do the work. They just need some guiding hands. The trip, though a little... odd, ended on a good note. I got to baptize and confirm Kevin Lin for his Grandpa.
Well, I gotta go.

Love ya!
Elder Benjamin James Eddy


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