Monday, September 6, 2010

Email Home September 6 2010

Well, this week went well, I think I'm getting used to Flushing. Hopefully this week we'll be able to step it up. I really wanna figure out how to inspire my district to become the best they can be. I know that's not something that happens overnight and I've certainly got room to improve, I just want us all including myself to keep improving. I also need to learn to deal with the small things like reporting numbers and records... Organization in general. That's my next goal.
We had a baptism yesterday. Sister Xiong Lin Lin. I couldn't make it to the baptism though - The bishop wanted me in a meeting. This is an interesting ward... But I've decided to deal with it differently than I did a year ago. I think last summer I blamed a lot of things on the ward. Now I'm trying to just worry about my part.

Last Sunday David Archuletta came to our ward. I didn't recognize him of course and just assumed he was a new member, then a member scared him out. Later that evening we ran into a guy who was captured by the taliban for7 months because he protected an american - he was a new york times reporter. Tahir Ruddin or something. He thought our church was great because we had polygamy - he has two wives. I love meeting Muslims. We both realize we're not trying to convert each other so it's easy to just have a friendly conversations like civilized people. christians can be some of the most annoying people. We also ran into one of the counselors in the Brooklyn Chinese branch presidency.

A guy, Cayden came into church yesterday. A couple weeks ago he started taking the lessons through the phone at the churches referral center and so he already knows everything. He'll be baptized in two weeks.

Another man we met on the street, Chen Qi, was really worried about meeting with us. He thought we were a crazy cult and were gonna take him into the church and hurt him and leave hi there. We set a baptismal date later that day. The next time we met he asked if polygamy was aloud. I said, as usual, sometimes god permits it, but not anymore. Then I asked why he wanted to know. He said he's got 3 girls he likes and wants to marry all of them. He asked how do we know if God will give permission for polygamy. I said a Prophet will tell us. He wanted to know how fast I could help him ask the Prophet.

Well, not a whole lot else has happened but I love you all. You have a good week :)

- Elder Eddy

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