Monday, September 6, 2010

Email Home July 5 2010

Sorry about last week. I was trying to find some information for a member moving to Iowa. He doesn't speak English but still wants to go to church. Outside of work he won't have much freedom (he can't drive) so he intends on studying English. He should be fine. I'm living proof you can understand most everything that goes in in church after a year.
Tuesday in tranfers. I'm staying in Brooklyn, still district leader, and I'll be training an American from Utah. Tomorrow brings lots of changes. Members I'm close to moving, switching companions after 4 and a half months, training etc. But It'll be good. Elder Gabrielsen had to do this about a year ago to - switch from being the white guy who sat shotgun, to leading the lessons. He said he never has really had much equal time during lessons.
I've learned a lot about charity this last month or so, how much a difference you can make in somebody's life by loving them. Their physical situations might not change much, but when they know you and God love them they themselves change.
We didn't do anything for the forth of July. We taught some people and them went home. Elder Cui had to pack up so I didn't see a single firework... but it doesn't bother me.
As another transfer comes to an end there's missionaries who are close to going home. Some can't wait to go back... Some younger missionaries say they're jealous. I sometimes can't help and think about home... No offense but I feel like I don't ever wanna go back. I feel like if I went a day without Chinese I would be lost. I guess I should feel that right now. God wants me to focus on them and the work. But you are my eternal family, and I'm so grateful for that. I know that you need me and I need you.
Well, I think that's it for this week.
- Love ya
Elder Benjamin James Eddy

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