Monday, September 6, 2010

Email Home June 7 2010

Here's Ben's latest letter.....I knew he would not mention it....but he has been given the added responsibility of being the district leader now. So keep him in your prayers please.

Well, where to start. Sorry about the lack of letters. I keep finding all my P-Day time slipping away!

Here's some pics on the Brooklyn Bridge. that's what we did two weeks ago... then I got us lost of the subway going home and so we didn't have time to email...

The we had memorial day. We went to John Lam's house for a Branch BBQ. No Hotdogs/Hamburgers. Shrimp and beef covered in green stuff. But it tasted fine.

We also had the chance to take Chen Long to the temple. He seemed to really enjoy baptisms for the dead.

I gave a talk, it went pretty well... It'll be a breeze to do a talk in English now :)

we've commited Lin Hao and Lin Bin for baptism on the 26th. No, they're not related. We may end up commiting another Lin, also not related. We had set a date of june 5th for Lin Hao but he didn't seem to commited and occassionally had some Word of Wisdom problems so we dropped the date... he called on the 4th to see if the was getting baptized the next day, so things are going better for him.

I tihnk Elder Cui's doing better with his parent situation, at least his attitude towards it... But his prejudice towards fujianese people keeps getting worse. He bore a 10+ minute testimony criticizing Fujianese people - who make up 3/4 of investigators and 1/3 of the ward. So, one problem pushed aside only to unveil another... I just try to take things one step at a time. Elder Cui really likes me which is good. I I really like him too... most of the time.

I've really come to love Alma:26. I love what Ammon says in verse ...3. He says something like the great bessling they recieved was the being tools in God's hands to bring about his work. I couldn't agree more. I don't care what influence my mission has on future career/wife/etc, as long as I can use whatever I have to better serve the Lord.

Well, I let you go with that.

I love you

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