Monday, September 27, 2010

Email Home September 27th 2010

We've started teaching Daniella and Jackie. We're actually gonna help them get married and baptized - a first for me. They're great. Daniella is so ... lively and loves learning the gospel. Jackie just loves Daniella so we're trying to work on him a little more. There's Oscar from Taiwan, and Chen Wang, Tommy Chen. All kinda progressing but doing well. There's also Hu Jian Mei, she comes to church every week but doesn't have any time during the week to meet with us :( We've also been meeting with some members to help them start doing their genealogy. We're gonna go to the temple on october 16th which is Chongyang Jie, a chinese holiday where you honor the elderly and hike on mountains, we'll be helping our ancestors at the mountain of the lord.

My companion, elder egbert is great. He's from utah but lived in Hawaii, just for fun, before his mission. He's willing to do whatever and is a diligent missionary. But I'll be switching companions on tuesday. I'll be going with elder graham. He's just a few months younger than me in the mission but has not had the best time on his mission and his chinese has progressed slowly. I'm happy to help.

Characters, I'm at 400. I love learning them. It's like small puzzles or Lego bricks.

Wow, sounds like we're both having some weird weather.

Lately I've been doing great. I'm just having a tough time balancing working with people here and trying not to worry about my friends in Brooklyn - sometimes I get caught away and think about them way too much. But I'm learning how to balance that out a little better as a get to know the people here better. God's got people he needs me to help here to and I've gotta stop worrying so much.

- Love you all!

- Elder Eddy

Email Home September 20 2010

This first part is in response to what a family friend should bring on his mission, he got called to the same mission as Ben, but spanish speaking.

Jake can just bring what's on the packet. And some sweaters. Oh, we've got new music rules. We can only listen to Motab, talks, and hymns. No soundtracks, no efy, etc. So let him know about that.

I shop at the Met. It's a tiny ghetto grocery store they have all over new york. And I also shop at chinese (super)markets.

I would say you don't really need any pants besides your suit pants. In the winter you'll want a beanie, earmuffs/head band to cover ears (more convenient than earmuffs, a scarf, a sweater (i'd bring 3-4), a warm jacket any conservative and warm one will do, a long waterproof coat to wear on top of everything that's not too thick, it's just for keeping you dry, mittens, snow gloves (for when you have to shovel snow), and long garment bottoms.

About the tornado in NYC...
I didn't even know there was a tornado, we were inside eating dinner and it all the sudden got really windy and rainy for a few minutes, one of our windows fell into our apartment (didn't break though, it just fell out of it's frame. and then it was done. when we went outside though there were trees all of the place. I just thought it was really windy...

We had another baptism of sunday. Lei Yu 'Cayden'. He's pretty awesome. He learned most of the gospel through missionaries on the church website and his uncle who's a bishop in texas.

I've been trying to study a lot lately about charity. It's the one thing I hope to bring home with me. Yes I'm probably gonna be stuck somewhere between china and america for my life (i hope to be) but even if I hadn't been on a language learning mission I would still hope to learn charity. Everything else is gonna pass away right? And my chinese is only useful if I'm trying to have charity. and Patience. that's another I need to be better with. I think when I write I'm more free with my words but when I'm speak I'm a lot more careful.

Well, I love you all and I don't have any sort of trunky feeling (I do sometimes wanna go to china or brooklyn really bad) but it does make me a little sad thinking that Zac's probably gonna be gone before I'm home.

Love you all! 我爱你们!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Email Home September 13 2010

I'm almost down to half a year, which is crazy to me. CRAZY. and when I think about all the things going on back at home I feel like I'm not gonna recognize anything. I guess in my mind everyone back home is on pause for two years... Guess not. Well, I'm thoroughly jealous of Matt going to China - You don't know how much I want to go there. I'm guessing he would go to Beijing or Shanghai - I wanna go to Fuzhou or Chang'le - Who knows when I'll be able to do that. By the way I think the name of Matt's calling sounds either epic or silly.
I'm trying to do more muscle building exercises instead of just running - I definitely don't wanna weigh any less than I do right now.
Here's an Ensign article that may interest you and you could share it with others. I found it while exploring a church library.
A Latter-Day Saint Perspective on Muhammad

It's 'A Latter-Day Saint Perspective on Muhammad. It's from about a year before 9/11. It's really great and has helped me understand better the roles of people like Muhammad and Buddha and other such 'wise men'.

I really want to read Fojing (Buddhist Scripture), the quran, daodejing (Taoist scripture), and the writings of kongzi (Confucius), especially because of what that article has to say.
It's not because of any doubt in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I just wanna read the writings of other inspired people. We believe the US constitution is inspired, that doesn't mean doctrine, but worth reading and applying.

Why do people forget about the 1500+ year tyrannical reign Christianity had in Europe? Urrrgghhh... 'Christians'. My mission has convinced me so much more of the truthfulness of the gospel.

The way I look at it is this. Sure you need baptism and other ordinances to get to the celestial kingdom but if you haven't striven to become a celestial being (someone who is filled with charity) it's not gonna do you much. People who've been baptized and what not have bought the plane ticket but they're gonna be real confused when they land and don't 'speak the language' (charity) which in many times is 'spoken' more fluently by those not of our faith who just haven't bought their ticket yet.

I gotta go. I love ya!
- Bye!
Elder Eddy

Monday, September 6, 2010

Email Home September 6 2010

Well, this week went well, I think I'm getting used to Flushing. Hopefully this week we'll be able to step it up. I really wanna figure out how to inspire my district to become the best they can be. I know that's not something that happens overnight and I've certainly got room to improve, I just want us all including myself to keep improving. I also need to learn to deal with the small things like reporting numbers and records... Organization in general. That's my next goal.
We had a baptism yesterday. Sister Xiong Lin Lin. I couldn't make it to the baptism though - The bishop wanted me in a meeting. This is an interesting ward... But I've decided to deal with it differently than I did a year ago. I think last summer I blamed a lot of things on the ward. Now I'm trying to just worry about my part.

Last Sunday David Archuletta came to our ward. I didn't recognize him of course and just assumed he was a new member, then a member scared him out. Later that evening we ran into a guy who was captured by the taliban for7 months because he protected an american - he was a new york times reporter. Tahir Ruddin or something. He thought our church was great because we had polygamy - he has two wives. I love meeting Muslims. We both realize we're not trying to convert each other so it's easy to just have a friendly conversations like civilized people. christians can be some of the most annoying people. We also ran into one of the counselors in the Brooklyn Chinese branch presidency.

A guy, Cayden came into church yesterday. A couple weeks ago he started taking the lessons through the phone at the churches referral center and so he already knows everything. He'll be baptized in two weeks.

Another man we met on the street, Chen Qi, was really worried about meeting with us. He thought we were a crazy cult and were gonna take him into the church and hurt him and leave hi there. We set a baptismal date later that day. The next time we met he asked if polygamy was aloud. I said, as usual, sometimes god permits it, but not anymore. Then I asked why he wanted to know. He said he's got 3 girls he likes and wants to marry all of them. He asked how do we know if God will give permission for polygamy. I said a Prophet will tell us. He wanted to know how fast I could help him ask the Prophet.

Well, not a whole lot else has happened but I love you all. You have a good week :)

- Elder Eddy

Email Home July 5 2010

Sorry about last week. I was trying to find some information for a member moving to Iowa. He doesn't speak English but still wants to go to church. Outside of work he won't have much freedom (he can't drive) so he intends on studying English. He should be fine. I'm living proof you can understand most everything that goes in in church after a year.
Tuesday in tranfers. I'm staying in Brooklyn, still district leader, and I'll be training an American from Utah. Tomorrow brings lots of changes. Members I'm close to moving, switching companions after 4 and a half months, training etc. But It'll be good. Elder Gabrielsen had to do this about a year ago to - switch from being the white guy who sat shotgun, to leading the lessons. He said he never has really had much equal time during lessons.
I've learned a lot about charity this last month or so, how much a difference you can make in somebody's life by loving them. Their physical situations might not change much, but when they know you and God love them they themselves change.
We didn't do anything for the forth of July. We taught some people and them went home. Elder Cui had to pack up so I didn't see a single firework... but it doesn't bother me.
As another transfer comes to an end there's missionaries who are close to going home. Some can't wait to go back... Some younger missionaries say they're jealous. I sometimes can't help and think about home... No offense but I feel like I don't ever wanna go back. I feel like if I went a day without Chinese I would be lost. I guess I should feel that right now. God wants me to focus on them and the work. But you are my eternal family, and I'm so grateful for that. I know that you need me and I need you.
Well, I think that's it for this week.
- Love ya
Elder Benjamin James Eddy

Email Home June 7 2010

Here's Ben's latest letter.....I knew he would not mention it....but he has been given the added responsibility of being the district leader now. So keep him in your prayers please.

Well, where to start. Sorry about the lack of letters. I keep finding all my P-Day time slipping away!

Here's some pics on the Brooklyn Bridge. that's what we did two weeks ago... then I got us lost of the subway going home and so we didn't have time to email...

The we had memorial day. We went to John Lam's house for a Branch BBQ. No Hotdogs/Hamburgers. Shrimp and beef covered in green stuff. But it tasted fine.

We also had the chance to take Chen Long to the temple. He seemed to really enjoy baptisms for the dead.

I gave a talk, it went pretty well... It'll be a breeze to do a talk in English now :)

we've commited Lin Hao and Lin Bin for baptism on the 26th. No, they're not related. We may end up commiting another Lin, also not related. We had set a date of june 5th for Lin Hao but he didn't seem to commited and occassionally had some Word of Wisdom problems so we dropped the date... he called on the 4th to see if the was getting baptized the next day, so things are going better for him.

I tihnk Elder Cui's doing better with his parent situation, at least his attitude towards it... But his prejudice towards fujianese people keeps getting worse. He bore a 10+ minute testimony criticizing Fujianese people - who make up 3/4 of investigators and 1/3 of the ward. So, one problem pushed aside only to unveil another... I just try to take things one step at a time. Elder Cui really likes me which is good. I I really like him too... most of the time.

I've really come to love Alma:26. I love what Ammon says in verse ...3. He says something like the great bessling they recieved was the being tools in God's hands to bring about his work. I couldn't agree more. I don't care what influence my mission has on future career/wife/etc, as long as I can use whatever I have to better serve the Lord.

Well, I let you go with that.

I love you

Email Home May 3 2010

Well, we started doing english tutoring alongside of teaching english classes. Honestly the classes aren't to effective for teachign english OR finding investigators. Nobody really wants to learn english, they just want to memorize sentences that'll get them through their daily lives. The already have the vocabulary to do so, they've just never bothered to learn any grammar, so all their memorized words don't help them much when it comes time to use them.

I ordained Chen Long on sunday - I was a little nervous, I've never done it in english OR chinese... and my first time confirming didn't go to well. But the ordaning went just fine.
Chen Long's awesome. He really wants to go on a mission and is a bit dissapointed he has to wait a year. It's cool to see the changes he's made in the last little bit. When we first met him he was smoking, had a couple earrings, some ugly necklaces, a tatoo on his arm, and seemed so unsure, hopeless and... jittery. the earrings and necklaces are gone (we didn't even tell him to take them off), he much more collected and now he has purpose. He came to america when he was 16 and has been working in chinese restaraunts for 6 years - a common story for fujianese people. He just needs hope for the future, to realize he doesn't have to do the whole restaraunt thing til the day he dies like most fujianese people. he'll have to learn english though, so pray for him.

Sometimes I feel so limited. I wanna go and help all these fujianese people... But I guess I just have to accapt what I can do. Like Alma when he talked about wishing he was an angel.

No, I haven't got any packages yet. If the packages don't come before thursday mornings I usually won't get them for another week.
I guess I call call at 4:30 NY time.

It's starting to get to the point where you can feel the humitity when you go out. Yuck.

Elder Cui and I have been talking a lot about... doing something good in the world. He's convinced I'm gonna be some great politician or something. I'd say the same about him. He really has a good heart, but it's been through a lot to get that way, and still has a lot going up against it.

I've got to find some talks for my investigators to read.

I love you all,
- 狄俊明长老
Elder Benjamin James Eddy

Email Home February 8 2010

About the Suits, elder Law, he'll be heading home soon, he has 3 suits and says he'll give me 2. No, I didn't ask for them, he volunteered. Oh, I bought some white pants at the distribution center at the temple, sister Lai will fix em up for me.

Lynn is doing well. She admitted she's starting to beleive (after months). She's been refusing tea from her mom. We asked why. She said 'because it's a rule'. Elder Gabrielsen kept asking why. She said because she has faith. The ward's been really good about fellowshipping her so maybe we'll get a baptismal date soon :)
Elder gabrielsen says the quality of baptisms is based on the quality of missionaries teaching. He says the only people who have stayed active are the ones that he taught with me or Elder Graham. He says it's because it was those times where BOTH people in the companionship were obedient and were out there for the right reasons. I can't really tell you how my mission is going, but that's Elder Gabrielsen's opinion.

Ummm... My brithday went well. We went to Outback Steakhouse. Ummm... Not much is going on. I tihnk we're finally picking up some new investigators through english class. We don't get much success from tracting or talking to people on the street. we warm people up to us through english class and then invite them to learn about the gospel.

I love you all. Tell Mady thanks for the letters.
Love - Elder Eddy

Email Home Hanuary 11 2010- For Everyone

I had a weird dream a few nights ago. I went home. It was all pretty normal, everyone was happy to see me. I sat down to rest for a minute then I realized it was only janurary 2010! I had to get back! I kinda freaked out and panicked. I found a phone and tried to dial the number I had when I was in flushing - the only number I've memorized. but I kept dialing it wrong! I kept saying it over and over but dialing the wrong numbers. I was so scared. I had to get back to New York. after dialing over and over I woke up and was still shaking.
I kinda laugh about it now and realize it was a very Wizard of Oz-ish ending. haha. But I wasn't trying to go home. I was trying to leave.
Lian Xiao Jun was baptized on sunday. I'll throw in a picture of her. She's way awesome. We hardly had to do any actual teaching. She was the one who asked to be baptized. Now she wants to know when our next temple trip is. She already knows she can't go to the one on saturday because she won't be confirmed yet but she wants to know when next month's is. We haven't even planned it with the branch president yet. So, she's super awesome. I'll attach a picture.
Umm... i don't know what I want for my birthday. the only useful things might be money or... new white pants. But those will have to be hemmed. I think I'll just buy some on our next temple trip and have sister Lai hem them. Music's great. I LOVE the cd you got me for Christmas. Maybe the Testaments dvd. I would love to lend that to some recent converts or investigators. mayebe general conference on dvd for the same purpose. as long as there's mandarin. (but do not send me legacy :))

ummm... I don't care. Toiletries and food are useful, but if I get money you don't have to ship anything :)

Love you all, have a great week!
- Elder Eddy

Email Home January 11 2010

Another exerpt from an email Ben sent to me..

I gave a talk too! I left my notes in my english scriptures at the pad. So I gave my talk without notes in mandarin. It went ok. The 90+ year old lady, sister Lok, came up to me and told me my mandarin's really good. Though giving the talk was scary, I think it was good for me. People seemed to understand what I was talking about. (Which was exaltation. weird topic for sacrament meeting. weird talk to to assign somebody who can only read the book of mormon... which doesn't talk about exaltation)

Email Home November 23 2009

Here's a little exerpt from one of Ben's emails to me...
Things are getting better, but I'll most likely be split with elder chen next transfer. We commited a couple to baptism on december 6th though :)
It's so great to see people change. and the change is so apparent in chinese people. christianity is just something they've never considered before, but if you can get them to start praying and reading the book of mormon, you can probably get them baptized. It's like starting from a clean slate. All you have to do is get them to have thier own spiritual experiences and it just clicks.
Well, I've got other letters to read and write, so, thanks for writing me, no matter how 'sucky' you do it. Love ya!
- Elder Eddy