Friday, October 2, 2009

July 20th 2009 Email Home

你们好!Well, Mady's informed me that Mom doesn't tell everybody what I'm doing... so maybe you could start? 好不好?Let's see, we managed to get a hold of David again, and even though we hadn't seen him for two weeks, he's still been reading the book of Mormon and praying daily, so that's AWESOME. He's 14, so, still a teenager, but he's really sincere in his search for truth. He feels the reading and praying has made his days go better and feels God is watching out for him. So hopefully we'll get a baptismal commit soon :)Elder Cui is being moved into our companionship today. His companion, Elder Law, is getting a missionary that's coming early from the MTC, so, we'll have a 3-some for at least 2 weeks (til transfers).Let's see... oh, we did exchanges this week, and I was with Elder Peterson, but was still in charge of the Chinese pool. So, basically, I did all the talking when we went tracting :) but it was good. I set up an appointment to do some English tutoring - at the price of also teaching a little about our church (when people want one-on-one we try and do that), so, the day went ok. It helped build my confidence and made me realize that I use elder Chang as a crutch way too much.I tried jizhao (chicken foot) - it was ok... kind of like eating a... i dunno corn dog. not the flavor, but method... except for the stick is part of the thing you're eating :)A weird lady in our ward said I should be Ai zhanglao, and that 狄 (Di) is weird... she also told me elder Chang has bad chinese and I should have got a different trainer. Elder Chang said he's never talked to her before.How's Will and Caroline's Book of Mormon reading going?Are the dogs staying outside - if not, our house must really smell :(Last night, when we were walking home, a man behind us honked the horn on his bike... I was kind of deep in thought so... I got scared and jumped to the side (I wish I could have seen myself hahha) - he felt bad and started apologizing, so I told him it wasn't a problem, and my companion said something and then the man asked if I spoke chinese, which lead into a little gospel discussion. I guess the point of the story is that some of are weaknesses can become strengths haha. Sure we only got him a pamphlet and english class flier, but that's something.This weeks gonna be a little crazy, we've basically got 1/2 of our days (one half of each day) already scheduled - so hopefully we can focus on lessons more that finding this week :)Umm... Guess that's all for now. Make sure this gets around; facebook, blog, chainmail, whatever :)我爱你们!-Elder Eddy

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